Dear Family,
I just want you all to know that I biked for 30 minutes in order to send
you this email this morning. So read all of it, okay? Ha yep, Sister Chou Lee
and I are officially car-less. The elders that had our car before got in a
wreck, and we've been driving it around with a huge dent in it all transfer, and
now they are getting it fixed. Seriously, elders man, I'm tellin ya...So for the
next two weeks, we will be biking. Which isn't a big deal, biking is fun. But
since we are Sister Training Leaders, we are technically supposed to have a car.
We have two exchanges this week, one in Kwinana and one back down in South
Bunbury, which is a couple of hours away...the Assistants are currently working
that out. We may bus down, or they may give us someone else's car. It's in the
Lord's hands! But until then, bikes it is. Which is okay. We like to sing while
we bike...lately I've been singing the chorus of "Far Far Away on Judea's
Plains" at the top of my lungs. "Glory to God, Glory to God..."
Well, this week was amazing. Wanna know why?! BECAUSE, Taylor R. was
baptized on Saturday!! It was so great. The Spirit was so strong and she is just
so golden and prepared. Everything went smoothly, minus one thing....we had the
first part of the service, the opening exercises, and two talks, and then walked
out to have the ordinance. And the entire hall was flooded. The ward member guy
that was supposed to turn off the baptismal font, well, didn't. And so that was
exciting! We like to spice things up here in Waikiki! Nah it was good. She still
got baptized, it was just a little deep is all. (:
The Hallshead sisters, Sister Waith and Sister Faivakimoana |
Yep, so that was good. Baptisms are always amazing. So are lots of other
parts of a mission, such as less-actives coming to church and teaching someone
how to pray for the first time. There is honestly nothing more rewarding than
serving the Lord.
Mission Leadership Council was on Friday. I always enjoy MLC. It's so cool
to be a part of the planning and goal-setting and preparation that goes into
running a mission. Elder Cook [Anna's boyfriend since age 16] was there as well. So much for me seeing him once
or twice on my mission; I've seen him like 12 times.
Taylor's Baptism! |
Oooh my goodness. Rick, Kyle and Kade better enjoy their late-night video
game playing while they can, because when I come home, no way jose'...not in my
house! Also, I've been thinking. I think we should have new rules. No movies, no
tv, no music...guys trust me. It's so fun and holy. Why should we sit in front
of a screen and let ourselves be indoctrinated by Satan?
Family, I'm glad to see you are finally getting Christmas underway! I don't
want to brag or anything, but we've had our Christmas tree up since
October...and it's beautiful. Alright well, hope everything is going good! Remember as you prepare to
celebrate Christmas that it isn't about getting stuff. There is way too much
getting around Christmas time in our family, and not enough giving. Enjoy it,
because next Christmas we are doing things a little bit differently. (:
Sister Bryce